New Poster: Blue-Green roofs explained

Published on 22 June 2017 at 15:04

Rainproof and Rooftop Revolution present a new infographic on Blue-Green roofs

The Rainproof program (by Waternet) and the Rooftop Revolution Foundation present a new infographic explaing the importance and concept of extra water storage in the drainage layer for high quality functional green roofs. We want green roofs to perform a lot of important functions for us (cool the city, reduce heat influx into the builidng, provide space for humans and biodiversity and so on), but order tob e able to do so, the plants need water. That is why the combination of rainwater capture, storgae and reuse is such a successful one!

The poster is only available in Dutch; but if you don’t spreak Dutch, just look at the pictures. That is what I did..

Find the poster in digital format at

Or request a printed copy at:

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